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Research and Education Hub



All publications are available from Ritwik’s ResearchGate profile. You can access these from the link below.

  • Gupta V, Kejriwal R, Frampton C. Revision following cemented and uncemented Oxford-III primary medial unicompartmental knee replace-ments: a 19-Year analysis from the New Zealand joint registry. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am). 2020 Oct 21;102(20):1777-83.
  • Gupta V, Kejriwal R, Frampton C. An analysis of the Oxford Shoulder Score and its relationship to early joint revision in the New Zealand Joint Registry. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2021 Jun;30(6):e282-e289
  • Gupta V, Kejriwal R. Pretubercular Subcutaneous Thickness is a protective factor for superficial wound complications after total knee replacement in non-morbidly obese patients. Journal of Arthroplasty. Aug 2019;35(1)
  • Chan J, Chuang A, Kejriwal R. Rationalising routine postoperative blood testing following elective shoulder arthroplasty. Seminars in Arthroplasty: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2022 Dec;32(4):715-19.
  • Kejriwal R, Annear P. Arthroscopic assessment of patellofemoral tracking predicts patellar instability. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. May 2017, Vol 5 no.5 (suppl 5)
  • Kejriwal R, Buelow J. One-stage Revision ACL reconstruction with ham-string autograft results in satisfactory outcome. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. May 2017, Vol 5 no.5 (suppl 5)
  • Annear P, Kejriwal R. Hybrid versus double bundle hamstring ACL recon-struction – a review of 626 cases. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine May 2017, Vol 5 no.5 (suppl 5)
  • Kejriwal R, Cooper J, Legg A, Stanley J, Rosenfeldt MP, Walsh SJ. Efficacy of the adductor canal approach to saphenous nerve block for anterior cru-ciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring autograft: a randomised controlled trial. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018 Oct 10;6(10)
  • Kejriwal R, Ahuja T, Hong T. Is radiograph glenopolar angle accurate for extraarticular scapular neck fractures? Injury 2016 Oct 4.
  • Kejriwal R, Dalrymple R, Annear P. Validation of Patellar Stabilization Surgical Algorithm Based on Congruence. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Feb 2016, Vol 4 no.1 suppl
  • Fredrickson MJ, Wolstencroft P, Kejriwal R et al. Single vs Triple Injection Ultrasound-Guided Infraclavicular Block. Anesthesia- Analgesia Nov 2010;111:1325
  • Kejriwal R, Liang J, Anderson G, Hill A. Magnetic resonance imaging of the common bile duct to exclude choledocholithiasis. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2004 Aug;74(8):619-21
  • Kejriwal R, Civil I. Time to definitive care for patients with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury – does a trauma system matter? New Zea-land Medical Journal 2009 Sep;122:40
  • Kejriwal R, Lim TM, Kumar S. Wegener’s granulomatosis and acute upper limb digital ischemia. International Journal of Rheumatic Disease 2008; 11: 185-187
  • Insull P, Kejriwal R, Segar A, Blyth P. Surgical inclination in senior medical students from the University of Auckland: results of the 2005 Senior Students Survery. New Zealand Medical Journal 2006 May 19; 119:U1983
  • Insull P, Kejriwal R, Blyth P. Surgical inclination and anatomical teaching at The University of Auckland. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2006 Dec; 76:1056-1059
  • Insull P, Kejriwal R, Patel H, Christiansen J, Scott A, Hart H, Edwards C, Armstrong G. Is it possible to distribute a scarce resource equitably? Ac-cess to invasive procedures for patients with acute myocardial infarction. New Zealand Medical Journal 2007 Mar 02; 120:1250
  • Lind CR, Correia JA, Law AJ, Kejriwal R. A survey of surgical techniques in catheterising the cerebral lateral ventricles. Journal of Clinical Neurosci-ence 2008 Apr 25.
  • Singhal P, Vasudevan V, Kejriwal R, Muthukumarswamy S, Kejriwal NK. Endovascular aortic arch repair after aortic arch debranching for acute dissection. Heart Lung and Circulation 2009;18

Current projects

  • Shoulder Arthroplasty – Hemiarthroplasty in over 75 age group is a valid option
  • Knee Arthroplasty – High Tibial Osteotomy conversion to a total knee replacement compared to a Partial Knee Replacement
  • Knee Arthroplasty – Partial Knee Replacement conversion to a total knee replacement compared to a Total Knee Replacement
  • Knee Arthroplasty – Cementless Knee Replacements in BMI >40
  • Knee Arthroplasty – Arthrolysis indications post Total Knee Replacement
  • Knee Arthroplasty – Oxford Partial Knee femoral component MRI based sizing


  • Rationalising routine postoperative blood testing following elective shoulder arthroplasty. NZ Shoulder and Elbow ASM, 2021, Queenstown, New Zealand
  • Validation of Patellar Stabilisation Surgery Algorithm based on Patellofemoral Congruence. NZ Knee Society ASM 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand
  • Pretubercular Subcutaneous Thickness is a protective factor for superficial wound complications after total knee replacement in non-morbidly obese patients. NZ Knee Society ASM 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand
  • Does ERAS increase post TKR wound complications? NZ Knee Society ASM 2018, Taupo, New Zealand
  • Adductor canal block efficacy in ACL reconstruction. Australian and NZ Knee Society Combined Meeting 2016, Port Douglas, Australia
  • Revision ACL: single stage hamstring graft results in good outcomes. Australian and NZ Knee Society Combined Meeting 2016, Port Douglas, Australia
  • Arthroscopic assessment of Patellar tracking correlates with patellar instability. Australian and NZ Knee Society Combined Meeting 2016, Port Douglas, Australia
  • Patellar stabilisation algorithm. Australian Knee Society 2015, Byron Bay, Australia
  • Scapula neck fractures – to operate or not to operate? Auckland Orthopaedic Society, 2014 (2nd Prize)
  • Scapula neck fractures – to operate or not to operate? NZ Shoulder and Elbow Society Meeting, 2013, Queenstown
  • A comparison of the accuracy of digital and conventional templating for planning of total hip replacement surgery. NZOA October 2009, Wellington
  • Hybrid repair of acute Type B aortic dissection with arch involvement – Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Conjoint Annual Scientific Congress, May 2008, Hong Kong
  • MRCP to exclude choledocholithiasis – Royal Australasian College of Surgeons NZ Annual Scientific Meeting, September 2004, Auckland
  • Time to definitive care for patients with traumatic brain injury at The Alfred – National Trauma Research Institute Clinical Meeting, August 2005, The Alfred, Melbourne, Australia
  • A brief look at The Alfred Trauma Service – Auckland City Hospital Trauma Grand Round, September 2005, Auckland
  • Time to definitive care for traumatic brain injury – Does a trauma system matter? – Auckland City Hospital Trauma Grand Round, September 2006, Auckland